Encantos CEO and Co-founder Steven Wolfe Pereira on Leveraging Diversity as a Growth Driver

Digital and Diversity. These are the top two trends of the 21st century according to media-tech maven Steven Wolfe Pereira. And he’s building direct-to-consumer brands with exactly that at the heart of it all with his new venture Encantos. After a fascinating career in tech, telecommunications, finance and media, Steven is focused on building direct-to-consumer brands that truly represent the modern day family. And they are off to a strong start with their already Emmy-nominated brand Canticos, a bilingual series of nursery rhymes exclusively on Nick Jr.
Steven’s four tips for bringing diversity to the forefront: 1- Extend D&I Beyond HR 2- Don’t Confuse Motion and Progress 3- Take Pride in Diverse Leadership 4- Go Straight to the Audience
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