Gamifying Millennial Personal Finance – Lindsay Holden, Co-Founder & CEO of Long Game

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In today’s episode of the Wharton Fintech Podcast, Anchit Gupta (WG’21) is joined by Lindsay Holden, Co-Founder & CEO of Long Game. Long Game is a gamified personal finance app for Millenials that encourages saving through fun rewards and cash prizes.
Before starting Long Game, Lindsay Holden co-founded the Applicant Auction, the primary auction for Top Level domain names, which held over $500M in auctions before being acquired. Before that, she helped launch Formation 8, a venture capital firm with over $1B under management. Ms. Holden holds a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and an MBA from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
In this interview, Lindsay shares:
– Her motivation behind launching Long Game
– The many financial planning problems faced by Americans & how Long Game is working to solve these issues
– Their typical customers and how Long Game can help them
– The toughest parts of being a founder and launching Long Game
– The future product pipeline for the company
and much more!