Citizen Has Arrived in the Twin Cities

Citizen shares 911 alerts in real time.
Citizen is the first app to combine location information with 911 intelligence to keep you and your loved ones safe. Today, you can download it in the Twin Cities.
Alerts about incidents like fires, car collisions, and searches for missing people provide information for your own safety in real time, 24/7. The alerts are accompanied by live stories, real-time updates, and user-generated content to provide you with situational awareness and a comprehensive picture of what’s happening around you.
“We created Citizen to make your world a safer place,” said Andrew Frame, Founder and CEO of Citizen. “We are driven by the extraordinary stories of selflessness and heroism we hear each day from our users. Citizen has prompted multiple families to evacuate burning buildings, and users to help to locate kidnapped children and missing people.”
“Citizen gives you peace of mind so you don’t have to worry about why there are cop cars on your corner or helicopters overhead,” said Ben Jealous, former President of the NAACP and Social Impact Investor. “Alerts provide you with public safety information previously only available to first responders. Citizen empowers communities through information equality, enhancing both personal safety and police transparency.”
“Citizen is a game changer for public safety,” said Bill Bratton, Former NYPD Commissioner, LAPD Chief, and Citizen board member. “Up until now, we relied only on first responders to provide safety to you. That’s not the way it’s supposed to work. Cops can’t do it alone, and firefighters can’t do it alone. Citizen allows you to collaborate with your community to ensure public safety. I am proud that New York was the first to prove Citizen’s value, and we are excited to bring this technology to the rest of the US. People trust Citizen because it works.”
Citizen is a free app available for iOS and Android platforms. Learn more about the app here.