Bolt Featured on VC Guide’s Best Startups to Watch – The Wishlist
These are the Deal Breakers, the companies we’d “quit our jobs for” and “leave our 4-year vesting schedules early for”.
Here at VC Guide our mission is to serve founders and to highlight incredible people doing even more incredible work. This is a resource intended to showcase the best startups (nominated by the best founders) to the most ambitious builders as they consider joining the startup world.
To make this list, these startups must be:
🚀 High-growth and/or high-momentum
❤️ Highly praised, nominated & voted on by founders
🔬 Researched thoroughly by our team
The Wishlist will be continually updated as a living resource for ambitious builders to refer to as they explore their next chapters. There are too many cool companies to keep track of, and we can’t help but to brag about other founders.
Bolt is a developer of an online payment platform used to drive e-commerce businesses with newfound revenue.
You should join if…
• You want to work in a field that’s changing fast, as ecommerce is exploding while everyone is staying at home. Bolt is not just changing retail, but is building the future of commerce.
• You believe that great things take time, and solving complex problems like building a robust checkout system can’t be rushed (*cough cough*).
• You believe in ecommerce and that the internet needs a better checkout experience.
Funding $140MM