AMC Theatres Strikes Distribution Deal With Mansa, A Free Streaming Outlet Focused On Black Culture Whose Co-Founders Include David Oyelowo.

Mansa, a free, ad-supported streaming service centered on Black culture, has struck a distribution deal with AMC Theatres to have its original features and series exhibited in theaters nationwide.
The deal comes as specialty distributors and streamers continue to refine their strategies for maximizing the benefit of theatrical runs, which are still emerging from the chaos of Covid. Exhibitors who survived the pandemic are increasingly looking to alternative sources of content as some questions remain about traditional distributors’ level of commitment to theaters. The unique DNA of Mansa, which was founded by filmmakers and actors David Oyelowo, Nate Parker and Chiké Okonkwo along with tech entrepreneur and film financier Zak Tanjeloff, also contributed to the unusual agreement.
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